Saturday, June 13, 2009

Schools Out...

"Don't you dare, Ryan!" I came out on the porch and Ryan was aiming his water gun at me.

We downgraded our tv channels so that the kid's aren't tempted to sit and watch tv as much as humanly possible.
So far we've...
gone to the beach; they have had water fights; made an ant farm; in the process of building some kind of fort behind the garage (I have yet to check it out); and a healthy dose of the boys fighting with their sister. They (Robert & Ryan) say that Kelsey sings too much and is basically annoying. Hmmmm. She just loves them so much.

(I love this photo...look at the sheer joy plastered on Kelsey's face.) She loves having her brothers home from school ALL day.

{click on photo to enlarge}
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