Friday, June 19, 2009

T.G.I.F. and Very Random...

When I got home from work this morning, Kelsey was in my bed. I crawled in her bed with a photography book and my camera. I took these two photo's just laying there in her bed. I looked at these later (I was in very low light and laying down) and I thought they were kind of interesting. Makes me want to make sure the kid's have pictures of their rooms at various times in their lives so they can look back at some of their favorite items and the view they had as little kids. The photo on her dresser is one I took of her when she was 2 1/2 years old...I have always loved that photo. Very spontaneously, she had that feather in her hand and I caught her with her arms outstretched and looking towards the sky/sun....kind of like...."I love this life!" I love the frame and it was a gift from Aunt Sara. The little wooden Kelsey was a gift from Aunt Kathy and Opa. The boys have one also. The pink duck is actually a puppet that makes a cute quack, quack when you squeeze the beak. My mom gave this to Kelsey when she was about one years old and it's always been a favorite.

Minnie Mouse sitting on her shelf. A souvenir from Disney World.

This morning I made pancakes. Do you know this shape?

Robert & Ryan on the trampoline this morning.
Right now, the boys are having a meeting about their lemonade stand.
It's only 11:50 a.m., but I want a nap.

Have a wonderful Friday.
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