Saturday, June 13, 2009


Kelsey loves little bugs....especially ladybugs.
She found several yesterday and wanted so badly to bring one home. She does this a lot and they always end up flying away or dying before we even get home or dying in my house in various little spots around the house.

After some pleading...she ended up bringing one home and even had some pine needles for it to crawl on and eat. She was very happy. She named her ladybug, Sally. She said, Sally is her ladybug sister.

I don't really like all the little ladybug sisters she brings into the van and can I resist this little face.
How can I resist her a ladybug sister. Named Sally.

Oh Lord, help me's gonna be an interesting summer.
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Anonymous said...

Old Chinese proverb; Ladybugs are good luck, whn I find one in my house I just leave it!! Kelsey knows what she is doing!

Anonymous said...

see above: When I say whn I mean when!

Aunt Laurie

Anonymous said...

Love her dress too!