Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dog Park...

Adventures at the dog park. It was a sunny day and a perfect day to take Star for a stroll at the dog park. I took a bunch of pictures and these are just a few. There was one dog (a boxer of some kind) that would not leave Star alone. He kept jumping on her and wouldn't leave her alone. Star didn't mind at first, but after about five or ten minutes, she really was tired of the dog. I am not sure where the owner was, they are normally very close by. Kind of jokingly, Tim picked Star up in his arms and it wasn't long and the dog just went away. Kelsey was jealous (she always gets jealous when Tim seems to pay more attention to Star than her) but it sure did the trick. The boxer didn't come around and bother Star anymore.

Every time Kelsey saw a new dog coming along, she'd holler..."doggie, doggie..." and want to pet and talk to each and every one. It was pretty cute. I was busy making sure it was ok and that she didn't get hurt or that it was ok with the owner.

I am not sure who was more (dog) tired at the end of our walk...Star or Kelsey.

{click on any collage to enlarge}

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big Star is!!

Kelsey, I like your shades :)
