Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Still Tired...

The Superior Bike Fest was held two weekends ago. We always try and get downtown to watch the Criterium events...those bikers are going so fast and they are so close together going around the makes me nervous...exciting all the same. Especially, since we were rooting for a couple of good friends.

Tradition of the 4th of July Bike Decorating Contest doesn't get old for the boys...they still decorated their bikes...Kelsey was really decked out...Robert took 1st and Kelsey took 2nd in their respective age groups. Ryan worked diligently on his and received an honorable mention. Robert has used that rocket (strapped to his back this year) for about four years....the judges love it.

The parade was fun to watch and afterwards we had a pig roast/swimming party at friends. Fireworks were awesome again this year...they seem to get bigger and better each year.

This guy....has a birthday coming up at the end of this month. He didn't have a party last year and wants to make sure he gets one this year. I need to do some planning. It may involve a climbing wall. Who's in?

(click on any collage to make it larger.)
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